This is only a general instruction reference, be sure to read your owners manual for any special instructions on your particular PH FILTER.
Notice: consumer is responsible for following any state and/or local regulations and plumbing codes pertinent to the purchase, installation and operation of our products.
Aplus Water LLC always recommends that you have a licensed plumber install your FILTER.
Step 1:
Location of your PHFILTER is important. It should be in a protected dry, level and non-freezing area
(34-120 degrees F).
Step 2:
You will need a standard outlet that is not controlled by a switch.
The distributor tube is on the left and should be placed in the middle bottom of the resin tank with the white end down. BEFORE ADDING THE MEDIA!
Step 3:
Place the resin tank shown above where you want to connect it to your water line, because it will be hard to move after the resin is added. Place the distributor tube into the bottom middle of the resin tank (the taller tank and shown in the picture above).
Place a peace of tape on the open end of the distributor tube to keep any resin from falling into the distributor while pouring the resin into the mineral tank (unless a plug is already in place).
Place the funnel (provided) into the mineral tank, and begin to pour or scoop the resin into the mineral tank.
Be careful to keep the distributor tube centered as best you can, while filling. An easy (but slower) way to fill the mineral tank is to take a small scoop and pour the media into the funnel. The media beads tend to stick to the funnel so by filling slowly the media will go into the tank easier.
note: if you have been shipped more then one bag of resin ADD ALL BAGS. ALSO IF GRAVEL SHIPPED SEPERATE ADD THE GRAVEL FIRST.
Once the filling of the mineral tank is completed, carefully remove the tape or plug from the distributor tube. Do not pull upwards on the distributor tube.
Step 4:
Remove white cap and plug from riser tube on tank.
The control valve (head) now must be screwed onto the mineral tank. Be sure the large O-ring is in place, and lubricated (you can use standard cooking oil to lubricate if necessary). As you start to screw the control valve onto the tank, make sure the hole in the center of the control valve fits over the distributor tube.
DO NOT USE pipe dope or tape on the threads! The control valve should be hand tightened, snugly, clockwise. (DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN VALVE!!!!)
Step 4:
You are now ready to install the bypass valve to the control valve. Be sure to lubricate o-rings with cooking oil before installing.
Step 5:
Turn off main water valve. Water connections to and from softener should now be connected.
NOTE: Attach the inlet to the bypass with the arrow pointing in and the outlet to the arrow pointing out!
just one example of one way to hook up to the bypass using hot water heater installation hoses.
Step 6:
You will need a drain for the backwashing cycles. This should be no longer than 20 feet from the PH FITLER. You will need to purchase this flexible 1/2 i.d. plastic pipe (can be vinyl, polyethylene polybutylene, etc. and same size will be used in step 8) and a small clamp to hold the tubing over the fitting. This backwashing drain line will be under pressure when the backwash cycle is working. Make sure the drain line is secured. The drain line will need to drain into a drain, which should be a minimum of 1 1/2” size, and ideally be below the top of the head of your softener. Local codes should be adhered to. Also, do not put the drain line directly into any drain, you should have an air gap. (be sure to use teflon tape on this step).
This is where you will connect the drain line.
Note: Never connect the drain line directly into a drain. Allow an air-gap between the drain line and waste line to prevent possibility of back- siphon.
- Note: Never connect the drain line directly into a drain. Allow an air-gap between the drain line and waste line to prevent possibility of back- siphon..
- Plug the power supply transformer into a socket that is not controlled by a switch or timer.
For 5600 valves simply turn the large knob to backwash.
- Plug the power supply transformer into a socket that is not controlled by a switch or timer.
- Program your PH filter. We recommend setting the filter to regenerate every three days for most applications.
For 5600 valves simply move the tabs out. For every third day regeneration move out every third tab. For every day regeneration move out every tab etc…
Note for opening bypass: Slowly turn on the main water valve to your home until all pipes are pressurized. Now open the bypass on the inlet side SLOWLY by placing a screw driver between the two holes on the knob, you will hear the water softener filling up with water. You do not want to be surprised by leaks. Let the resin tank fill completely, then SLOWLY open the bypass on the outlet side.
WARNING: If opened too rapidly or too far, media may be lost out of the tank into the valve or the plumbing. In the 1/4 open position, you should hear air slowly
escaping from the valve drain line.