Complete Service Assemblies

Environmental Cover Screw# FL19813


FLEC-DG Cover Screw that holds the Cover Shut. Old Part # FL18744 Used on all Fleck Environmental Covers with “Weather-Proof Seal, for Fleck 2510, 2750, 2850, 2900, 9000, 9100 and 9500 Fleck valves that have the special hinged back plate.


Used on Fleck 2750, 2850 & 2900S Control Valves This Part can be viewed on page 11, of our online Fleck 2900s Service Manual…

Complete Service Assemblies

1650 BLFC, Plastic (FL60010-XX)

Base Price $23.50

Select .25, .50, 100 GPM, BLFC size during checkout Used on 1650 Brine Assemblies


No Injectors are included in this assembly.

Complete Service Assemblies

Fleck Seal & Spacer Kit (FL60121)


Main Piston Seals & Spacers used on newer 2510, 2700, 2750 valves and the 2900 upper piston. Also used on Older Fleck 1500, and 2500 valves.

Complete Service Assemblies

Fleck 5000 – Seal & Spacer Kit (FL60120)


Seals and Spacers Kit for the Fleck 5000, Proflo SE, and some others. Includes 5 Seals, 4 Spacers, and 1 Special End Spacer The Special End Spacer should be installed first, inside the valve body, followed by the a regular seal, and then alternating with spacers, and ending with a seal on top. Also used [...]


Only Parts shown in our online Picture, are included with this Brine Valve. Does not included BLFC fitting, (FL60010). Most folks re-use the old BLFC fitting. Most newer Fleck 2510 valves use this 1650 plastic Brine Valve Assembly.


10913-1 & 10914-1 – Yellow (13″ – 18″ Used on Diameter Tanks)


FLEC-DG New Style Cover with “Weather-Proof Seal, for Fleck 2850, 2900 & 9500 Fleck valves that have the special hinged back plate. Cover includes plastic hinge pin.

Complete Service Assemblies

1600 Short Stem, Brine Valve (FL60029)


1600 Brine Valve, Short Stem is commonly used in the Fleck 1500, 2500, 2750, 2850, 2900 valves. The piston assembly ( part #60029 ) should be replaced if the brine refill never stops. This Brine Valve is used with 3/8″ Brine Line Tubing, The 1600 ( or 3/8″ tubing size ), on softener tanks up [...]


FLEC-DG New Style Cover with “Weather-Proof Seal, for Fleck 2510, 2750, 2850, 2900, 9000, 9100 and 9500 Fleck valves that have the special hinged back plate. Cover includes plastic hinge pin.


Old Style Designer Cover used on Fleck 1500, 2500, 2510, 2700, 2750, 2850, 2900, 9000 , 9100 and 9500 Valves. Works with older valves that have the Thumbscrews on either side of the cover.

Complete Service Assemblies

Fleck High Flow Piston Assembly (FL61540)


Used on Fleck 2900s (Upper Piston), If you have a 1 Piece “S” Casting, then you should use Fleck Part # 61540 Piston Assembly (With the Seal Kit # 61530), that has a longer Shaft. These Parts can be located on page 12, of the Fleck 2900s Service Manual, Items # 33 & 34.

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Complete Service Assemblies

Drive Motor – 115V 60 Hz – (FL41543)


Does not include cams or micro switches Drive Motor – 115V, 60 Hz, SP, Fam 1 Used on the Fleck 2510, 2750, 2850 & top of 2900 valves