Residential Back Washing pH Neutralizing Filters
Raises the PH in water.
Advantages: Physical Properties:
• A natural material. • Color – Off white
• Slow reacting for better pH Control • Form – Granular
• Low cost. • Density – 90#/cu.ft.
• 16 X 40 Mesh
• Composition: 95% Calcium Carbonate
How the system works:
Calcite is a granular filter media used to neutralize acidic waters and raise the pH,
making the water less corrosive. When water with an acidic pH of below 7.0 is passed
through the filter bed the pH value is corrected enough to reach a non-corrosive equilibrium.
Calcite is dissolved during the service run and will need to be periodically replaced. To raise very low pH waters (4.5-6.0 pH).
2510 SXT Ph Filters
- Fleck 2510 SXT Digital Auto Control Valve
- 9x48 mineral tank
- 1.0 cubic feet of resin
- Bypass
- Floor Space Required is 11x14x56
2510 SXT Ph Filters
- Fleck 2510 SXT Digital Auto Control Valve
- 10x54 mineral tank
- 1.5 cubic feet of Calcite
- Bypass
- Floor Space Required is 11x14x62
2510 SXT Ph Filters
- Fleck 2510 SXT Digital Auto Control Valve
- 12x48 mineral tank
- 2.0 cubic feet of Calcite
- Bypass
- Floor Space Required is 11x14x56
2510 SXT Ph Filters
- Fleck 2510 SXT Digital Auto Control Valve
- 13x54 mineral tank
- 2.5 cubic feet of Calcite
- Bypass
- Floor Space Required is 11x14x62